Celebration of the Word

Celebration of the Word is very special at St Patrick’s. Every Friday, we have a whole school Celebration of the Word session led by Mr Williams and supported by our Mini Chaplains.

Each day, a group of children in each class plan and lead a liturgical prayer session with their peers. Children reflect on gospel stories as well as lead prayers, songs and other chosen activities. If appropriate, the children select the Bible reading that they want their session to be focused upon. They may choose a text related to the liturgical calendar, their class Saint or their RE topic.  Or they might choose a theme they would like their class to think about, for example, friendship, honesty or forgiveness.

The sessions are structured around the following parts:

Gather – children gather in a circle with a focus area. They can use candles, rosary beads and other religious artefacts. Children may choose to sing a hymn or listen to some reflective music.  Some children may choose to hold their session outside if the weather is nice.

Word – children choose a Bible reading linked to their prayer theme

Response – Children choose one or two ways to respond to the reading. For example, they may ask each child to write down a prayer or a promise and put these thoughts together into a jar. They could then place this jar on the class prayer table as a constant reminder for the children throughout the day.

Mission – Children choose a way to go forth, sharing the Good News and following God’s mission in their everyday lives. This might be telling others what they’ve heard, writing a poem or carrying out an act of kindness.

We love to invite our family to join share our liturgical prayer sessions. Please click the following link to view our latest Liturgical Prayer timetable.


Stay and Pray Timetable

6th October- Year 6

13th October- Year 5

19th October- Year 4

3rd November- Year 3

10th November- Year 2

17th November- Year 1

24th November- Reception

When We Pray

In Class

Prayer in our school is a vital opportunity to think not only about our own needs, but about the needs of others. In our many prayerful moments, we also give thanks to God for all that he has given us.

Our daily prayers begin with our Morning Offering, which helps us to prepare for the day ahead, enabling us to consider how to make it the best we can.

Our Grace Before Meals reminds us to be thankful for the food we have and for all who make it possible for us to be fed. After lunch, we praise God for all we have and for those we can share with, when we say our Grace After Meals.

Before we go home, we finish our day by thanking God for all that we are grateful for.

There are also many other ways in which we gather in prayer:

Liturgical Prayer

Daily liturgical prayer sessions allow pupils to explore a range of prayer types.  Our pupils are encouraged to prepare and deliver their own liturgies, in small groups for their class. They often choose a theme which is linked either to our liturgical year, or to their R.E. topic at the time. The children can always be relied upon to deliver with confidence and reverence.

Whole School Worship

Each Friday, our whole school gathers in the hall for a special worship. This is supported by our Mini Chaplains, who help to plan and deliver these sessions.  This is a wonderful opportunity to re-visit the Sunday Gospel and to sing our favourite hymns.

Rosary Group

Every Friday breaktime, we have a Rosary group led by our rosary leaders.  This is always well-attended and is a wonderful opportunity for reflective prayer to Our Lady.

School Prayers

Morning Prayer

Jesus friend of little children,

At the start of this new day,

Be Thou my guide and helper,

In my work and in my play.

Prayer Before Lunch

Bless us Oh Lord,

As we sit together.

Bless the food we eat today,

Bless the hands that make the food,

Bless us, Oh Lord,

Prayer After Lunch

Thank you, God for the food we have eaten.

Thank you, God for all our friends.

Thank you, God for everything.

Thank you, God.


Evening Prayer

Oh my God I’ve come to say;

Thank you, for Your love today.

Thank you for my family

And all the friends you gave to me.

Guard me in the dark of night

And in the morning, send your light.

Updated: 29/05/2023 896 KB